Friday, July 24

Up & Down

These last 8 weeks have been so up and down. Each day is different and each portion of the day is different. You never know what to expect, what to hope for, what's to come. I don't think I'm getting any better at going with the flow and not planning...maybe one day. I have improved at letting things go though, and not asking so many questions...just get in the truck and wherever you end up is where you will end up (and try to make the most of each place you find yourself in - that's what I've been telling myself each time I'm caught off guard, unprepared and thus very anxious and uncomfortable). Are there any others out there reading this that can't stand not knowing what you're getting yourself into and thus aren't prepared? I'm trying so hard not to let it ruin my times as it normally would, but when I'm really not dressed appropriately for various events, it's so hard to relax and just accept the situation as is!

A couple of times Maurice, the guy who works in the clinic who initially handles the patient forms, has come to me with a name in hopes that I can tell him the patient number so that he doesn't have to spend hours looking through files. Previously we had been unsuccessful, likely because I have yet to enter them in the system or because I spelled their name incredibly wrong, but Wednesday and Thursday we had 2 successes! The look on his face made the endless hours of data entry worth it. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be and how much time is spent looking for a misfiled or lost form. Now, with the click of a few buttons, ta da! He was so excited (as was I)! We aren't using the Access system yet as we are still trying to work out a few bugs, but it's all in Excel which makes for easy finding!

Roselande has gone home now. I'm not sure her state but I know she wasn't happy that she had to leave. I hope to see her once more before I come home, I just hope it's not on the conditions that she's gotten worse. I've never seen someone so close to death, someone who really doesn't even want to live and has the power to actually influence her recovery.

Boni and I are working on writing now with her opposite hand so she can return to school in September. It's been a discouraging couple weeks with her but I will try to write about that later. My fear is that she will never use her right hand, that it will just be a limb that's useless and in the way. Ugh.

I have discovered many more projects and opportunities at the clinic that need some help. It's just a reminder that the work is not done here at the Eben-Ezer Clinic and those that come after me will have lots of fun!

Now, for this heat...anyone have any suggestions? I'm melting away!

1 comment:

  1. Shauna,

    Glad you are there organizing things. Just think, you can return to Canada and then get us all put together too... Sounds like this is a rather growing, stretching and sweating experience. Hang in there!
