Thursday, July 9

Rat incident # 2

Lastnight I heard some scratching...and some rummaging...and some plastic being walked on...

Up I jumped on my bed, turned on my headlamp, grabbed my umbrella and extended it like a long stick...and nothing (try to picture this please....because it's really a hilarious image now...).

I threw my ipod at my bag of granola bars (which I forgot to hang back in my bear bag) and nothing. Poked around my suit cases with my umbrella, nothing.

I stood on my bed for awhile...wondering what in the world to do. Finally got the courage to shine the light all around the dresser and my suitcases. I found nothing.

So I laid in my bed listening, waiting, for 30 minutes, until my alarm went off to go running. 4:37am and that stupid "ratla" (rat in Creole) came back.

This afternoon I moved back into the main house. I don't care how loud it is. How many unexpected visitors I get and how much lack of personal space I have. There are NO rats in that least none that I've seen.

I think this will help with the loneliness as well. At least I can hear and see people wandering around whereas in the other room I was completely secluded. Yes, I think it's for the best. Stupid ratla!

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