Saturday, January 30

My return 2010

I found myself in this same situation, 8 months ago. Preparing to leave my home and comforts and saying goodbye to friends and family. 1 week ago (Friday) it was determined that the accountant of the clinic would unlikely be returning to Haiti after a visit to the USA pre-earthquake. I was invited by the clinic and offered my help as needed and found myself waiting out the weekend to hear the final word on Monday. Monday rolled around and I suddenly found myself preparing to leave in 1 week for Haiti. Things to buy, work manuals to write, conversations to be had, hugs to be given, tears to be shed.

Exactly 8 months ago I left Winnipeg for Haut Limbe and started my journey there. It seemed like an adventure. Like a new challenge and a chance to meet new friends and see how I could help serve and live with those in the community. Now, I know what to expect. I know what I'm getting myself into (to some small extent), and I know what I'm leaving behind. It's different this time, in almost every way possible. It's a longer amount of time. I know that I've just started something huge. That when I return, my life will not be as I left it. That people will change and circumstances will change. Do I have regrets? Yup. I have a few. Tonight I'm grieving what I will be leaving behind. All week I've been trying to process the completion of my job. 4 1/2 years in the same place, learning and growing there. Being loved by a staff and community across Canada, the US, and abroad. In 1 week, my life has changed drastically. And I know it's only just begun.

I am excited for the challenge and work in Haiti. I'm excited to see my friends and family there. I'm excited to dive in and see how things go at the clinic. I truly am thrilled. It's just so bitter sweet. I have no idea when I will return to this life here. To my friends. Months from now. And in my heart I know I will be there longer. This is only just the beginning. Thanks for journeying with me through this blog.