Saturday, May 16

The funny thing is...

So after my hilarious scare/frustration with booking my airline ticket...about 4 hours after I booked the May 30th flight, the following week's flight was available again...this was after I freaked out about leaving in 3 weeks rather than 4 (it was hard enough to commit to up and going in 1 month)!!! It's not as easy as it may sound you know! This is hard for a person who needs to mentally prepare herself for things well in advance! I need to play out each day prior to my departure (well not THAT specific) but I need to become "okay" with the reality that I'll be leaving in 4 weeks...or in this case now 3. Anyways, all that to say, I think God's up to something a little bigger then I might think. I'm convinced that I need to be in Haiti between the 31st of May and June 6th! I was cornered into that decision and so I guess in a way made it easier...

I've been busy packing and preparing. Yes I know I have 2 weeks left but my suitcase it almost full. I've been collecting things to take down with me for people there. I truly cannot wait to get on that plane and be on my way. This afternoon was spent calling around/visiting hydroponic stores to find grow bags for our friend that has a nursery in the community. I can now say I set foot in one of those places....well two actually...very interesting.

I'm so excited!!!!!!

I do have waves of fear that wash over me though. Fear about the lack of control I'll have. I won't be able to decide what to eat and when, where I will be going, what time things will happen, what I will be doing each day and each moment. It will very much be a "go-with-the-flow" kind of summer. A time of waiting.....and waiting....and waiting.....
I really am thankful for my year in Ecuador that has helped ease me into this mentality. It will be challenging. O will it be challenging! But I think it will be just lovely.
Once I just let go...I think I'll just get into a groove. Yes I'm sure I'll get frustrated with many of things along the way...but that's all part of the journey. I can't wait to see those I met down there 2 months ago and tell them that I'm back to stay! (at least for a few months anyways). I can't wait to see their smiles and see how they've been.

Since I made this final decision last week I've been a little ADD. I have lots of lists but I can't seem to keep doing one thing...I've been all over the city...doing random tasks. Today I even found myself cleaning out the parents fridge to keep me busy. Maybe I should have just left this weekend...! I'm going crazy here!!!!

But in just 2 weeks from now I'll be in Montreal in a hotel...waiting to fly into the DR to start my adventure. Oh Lord...will you make sure it rains a few days while I'm there...? I'm kind of scared of how hot is might actually be....

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