Thursday, March 18


- The group from Winnipeg has come and gone (the 2 nurses are still here until Monday). They finished tiling the pediatric room and are about 1/2 done the mens ward.

- The tiling in the washroom of the pediatric room is being worked on in between groups.

- Shelves have been built in the depot and are painted. The supplies will now need to be organized and put on the shelves.

- Plumbing is almost complete (or so I think).

- The clinic saw 217 patients on Monday (normal is 100). We had 18 people from the USA who brought medications and helped see patients. Never seen that place so packed. Our staff are tired.

- A successful trip to Port au Prince finished this weekend. They did a mobile clinic and handed out food packages which were prepared by the Winnipeg group consisting of rice, beans, sugar, oil etc.

- A website is being worked on for the clinic by a volunteer who is here this week. We look forward to having that up and running soon.

- Everything still takes a long time here. Everything seems so much more difficult. We pray for patience everyday and for a sense of humour.

- My eyes are opened everyday to real life here in Haiti. Illnesses. Death. Accidents. Hunger. Sorrow. Joy. Friendships. Lack of choice. Fear. Hope and hopelessness. Sometimes I wish I could keep my blinders on and not be exposed to so much, and yet I know that's not real.

- Relationships are most important here, above all else. Sometimes I forget that and make mistakes. I hate making mistakes.

- The last of our guests leave on Saturday and Monday. We will have just under 2 weeks to regroup and prepare for 14 to arrive. We are tired and continuing on. Life in Haiti...

Here's a song that describes me this week. I came across is on a blog I follow:

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