Wednesday, March 3


Life here is pretty normal. I don't really know what to write about because of that. No real inspiration. Groups have come and gone. Random people joining us and leaving us. It's fun to see this community and culture through their eyes. Reminders of the realities. Here's a bit of a glimpse into my everyday life here.
Wake up at 7am. Get dressed and do very little in way of preparing myself for the day.
Eat breakfast
Head to the clinic around 8am. Stand around and talk for awhile (relationships first!)
Head up to the office. Work on expenses, income, new forms/systems, maybe take a trip to the bank etc.
Head home for lunch.
Back to the office.
Check emails quickly and chat with friends.
Head back to shower and get a "pick me up".
Maybe read or write a bit in my journal.
Eat supper.
Head down to the corner and sit there for the evening. Hang out with friends. Maybe watch a movie if there's electricity.
Bed around 10 or 11pm.
Start all over again the next day!

We take a trip to Cap (25 kms, about a 1 hour drive) about once a week. That's a good outing. There are also lots of other surprises and crazy encounters along the way.

Work has been challenging and encouraging all around. Baby steps. Everyday we get a little further.

After driving through Cap Haitien on Sunday and Limbe on Monday I realized there is a lot more trash piles all over, places there wasn't before. The hope for this country is nonexistent at times. I have little faith that much will change over the years, and it seems the feeling is pretty common with many people here. And yet they and I continue on, trying to better our little piece. Hoping somehow that it will make a difference. Who knows.

A group from Winnipeg is coming next week which means my parents could send some things I had forgotten or misjudged in packing over a 1 week period. I will be happy to receive more shirts and tank tops as I only brought enough for a few days of sun and a few days of rain intermixed. Apparently the weather here doesn't work like that! It will be good to see familiar faces and hang out with good friends.

Life goes on. I've been getting a little sick over the last few days. I'm trying to rest lots to try and prevent a full on head cold.

I'll try to update more often. Sorry!

The hospital construction is coming along. The plumbing is started and will continue after the tiling gets going. The group from Winnipeg will start on that next week. Lots of work still left and lots of miscommunication with coordinating all that.

Would love to hear from you all. Miss everyone back home and think of you often!

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