Saturday, January 30

My return 2010

I found myself in this same situation, 8 months ago. Preparing to leave my home and comforts and saying goodbye to friends and family. 1 week ago (Friday) it was determined that the accountant of the clinic would unlikely be returning to Haiti after a visit to the USA pre-earthquake. I was invited by the clinic and offered my help as needed and found myself waiting out the weekend to hear the final word on Monday. Monday rolled around and I suddenly found myself preparing to leave in 1 week for Haiti. Things to buy, work manuals to write, conversations to be had, hugs to be given, tears to be shed.

Exactly 8 months ago I left Winnipeg for Haut Limbe and started my journey there. It seemed like an adventure. Like a new challenge and a chance to meet new friends and see how I could help serve and live with those in the community. Now, I know what to expect. I know what I'm getting myself into (to some small extent), and I know what I'm leaving behind. It's different this time, in almost every way possible. It's a longer amount of time. I know that I've just started something huge. That when I return, my life will not be as I left it. That people will change and circumstances will change. Do I have regrets? Yup. I have a few. Tonight I'm grieving what I will be leaving behind. All week I've been trying to process the completion of my job. 4 1/2 years in the same place, learning and growing there. Being loved by a staff and community across Canada, the US, and abroad. In 1 week, my life has changed drastically. And I know it's only just begun.

I am excited for the challenge and work in Haiti. I'm excited to see my friends and family there. I'm excited to dive in and see how things go at the clinic. I truly am thrilled. It's just so bitter sweet. I have no idea when I will return to this life here. To my friends. Months from now. And in my heart I know I will be there longer. This is only just the beginning. Thanks for journeying with me through this blog.


  1. Shauna, you have come a long way since our first conversation several years ago. You are strong and courageous to leave your safe and comfortable life to share your gifts with those who are facing unbelievable challenges. I look forward to following your journey. We will learn and be touched through your work. Carolyn Brock

  2. Shauna,

    We will miss you lots. Say hi to Janelle. Now we miss both of you. It is kind of crazy how this little church is just sending people all over the place.
    I will try to stunt Gus' growth so you won't miss too much... take care and be good!

  3. Hey my friend,

    If anyone is meant to help in Haiti, it is you. I know that God has amazing plans and experiences that await you there and I know that he will use you to the best of your abilities. You are a wonderful person and a forever friend.

    While we haven't been the greatest at connecting and reconnecting, please know that I love you and I will think of you often, especially as our birthdays draw near.

    Take care beautiful girl and know that I am with you in heart and spirit.

    Missing you already,
    Tamara Risto

    PS: Please keep me in the prayer loop! Love you!

  4. You are showing great courage and are an inspiration to us all! Please keep us updated via this blog as much as you can. Stay safe and take care.

    Lisa and Brian
