Thursday, August 6

Some things I've been learning

Here's just a few quick things I've been learning as I sit at the end of a long hot work day:
  1. I can live without. Without hot showers, nice clean clothes, bug free beds, a vehicle, certain foods/drinks, silence, noise, plans. It's been easier then I thought it would be - granted I've had it pretty good.
  2. Life is so short. We have a part in whether or not we want to continue. What a blessing each day truly is.
  3. Being a foreigner is very difficult for me. There have been many days I wish I wasn't white and feel uncomfortable in my own skin. My own, very white, skin.
  4. We have much - us "white" folks. Yes I know this is a generalization, but that's how we are viewed. We have much and things are very easy for us.
  5. It's your own choice whether you want to be on this journey of discipleship, of obedience. You make the decision to obey, or not. And it's not easy.
  6. I'm told I can't be an influence on the young girls here. This one is hard for me to swallow. I'm white and therefore what I do and say has no effect on how they will live their lives. Could this be so? One human being to another? My actions have no affect on them!? This one will take A LOT of thinking and processing. Likely a blog post to follow on this one.
  7. I don't want to come home next Sunday. I want just 1 more week. Just a few more days to do and see all that I wanted. How did this come to a close so quickly?
  8. I never want to wash my clothes by hand.
  9. I have a dream and vision for a role I could play here in Haut Limbe in the future. I have no idea how it will play out, and how it could even work, but it's not up to me to figure out those very small details. If God is calling me to this as a next step, the small details will all work out. First though, to finish school and return to work. Yes, that's important.
  10. A smile can change anyone's day. No words are every needed.
  11. What doesn't get done today...will get done tomorrow. Or maybe not tomorrow...but the day after? The work on the electricity has yet to begin on the hospital. Things are so much more difficult here. Money takes time to be sent. Supplies take time to find and purchase. And well, people just work much slower here. Truly, what doesn't get done will get done tomorrow. My "to do" list isn't getting much seems I've even adapted this pattern as well. But my tomorrow is running out...Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shauna - its your Mom's friend Linda in T.O. Before you leave I just want you to know that I have read your blogs and learnt from them. I am in awe of how wise and kind you are. I know you have, and will continue to make an impact on a broad circle of people - around the world. Save travels home - to your dear friends and family and with a the wealth of wisdom you have gained from this one of I expect many purpose driven journeys in your life. Hugs Linda
    PS. You are a great writer!
