Monday, June 15

The Zoo?

The sun's out and it's gorgeous here today. This morning I drove to Limbe alone and it was wonderful! Freedom!

I was very homesick yesterday - missing being able to hide away and have time to myself. To be comfortable with my friends and family and know what's happening. Control is the key word here. Kayla and I took the motorcycle into Limbe to walk around which was nice and Manno took us out dancing in the evening. A night of dancing is enough to cure a sad heart. A group of 12 comes in today to do mobile clinics. They are staying at Manno's so we will be shifting around in the house and cleaning like mad this afternoon. We wen't expecting a group until Thursday but plans are always changing! I don't even believe people anymore when they tell me something, is that bad?

I tried to hide away yesterday for a short while and went on the roof of Manno's house that's being built. I was spotted by the neighbor children and was called out at. No hiding there. Decided to go for a run at the soccer field and thought I was in the clear with only 1 person there studying. Boy was I wrong. I guess I had some followers, about 15 people and they just sat on the side and watched me run around in circles. One of them even brought out a banner as I ran by...not sure what it said though. I often feel like I'm in a zoo or something - oh look, the white girl sneezed! Now she's turning bright red, and now she's drinking her water! I need a sign, "please don't feed the animals" or something! So it was good to go out lastnight and dance the night away, at least I only kind of stuck out. I knew what I'd be coming into when I decided to come, but the looks and stares get tiring. I kind of forgot about that when we were here in March. I have a small taste of what is feels like to live somewhere as a minority.

The work at the clinic is coming along. It's always busy there. Last week there was a little baby that passed away. One of the workers brothers also passed away and the funeral was on Sunday. Death seems to happen a lot here yet it's never easy. The feeling in the town was very different yesterday. This week will be a few mobile clinics and regular work there. Next week will be the eye clinics. I'm looking forward to seeing and helping with that. I will soon be able to add optometrist to my resume along with physiotherapist...Just kidding!

And so this week is a new week. I'm not really sure what is in store, and I'm not really going to try and figure it out. That hasn't seemed to work out so well in the past so hopefully I can learn from it.

Thanks to everyone for your support again. I am overwhelmed by the generosity of my friends, family and family friends. There is a real need in our world both locally and abroad, and I just happen to be serving here right now. As I see the hurting people here in Haiti I often think back to those that are in Winnipeg. I feel incredibly blessed to have all that I do, and sometimes wonder why I've been so. Things are not right in our world, not at all. One step at a time though, one smile, one touch, one laugh. These people are beautiful here and I am so blessed to spend this time with all of them.

Until next time!


  1. Oh Shauna...this world is blessed to have you in it and we are blessed that you are part of our world!

  2. Shauna,

    When did you learn how to drive a motorcycle?
    Do they have helmets? I'm thinking not.
    Be careful!

    Love Mom

  3. I love that you have this blog going Shauna - it is really neat to hear about all of your new experiences in Haiti, I'm still a bit jealous. Thanks so much for taking the time to blog - thinking and praying for ya,
