Thursday, May 28


I've been saying my goodbyes this week. To my 3 little nieces, siblings, grandparents, and friends. I forgot that I would probably miss the people back at home. I've just been so excited and it's come so fast that I didn't really realize until Monday that I would miss out on life here as I know it for 10 weeks. I also booked my return flight which is also very exciting. I'm excited to go but I'm excited to have my return in site. I sure do like things planned, that seems to be obvious.

I will miss my Faith family a lot. Worshiping with them each Sunday, summer camp fires at the parks, bbqs on the weekends. I'll really miss lunch with my Uma every few weeks at Smitty's. I'll miss seeing my twin nieces grow and change so quickly. I'm sure they'll be talking using real words by the time I get back. And little Gus from church will likely be walking - I'll miss seeing him grow. I'll especially miss my small group and bible studies on Wednesday evenings. I will miss those friends and that sacred time we share each week together. I'll miss the crazy times in the church basement working with and for some crazy people. Oh both the joys and frustrations I will miss. I will miss the freedom I have here and the easy access I have to everything I want or need. I will miss being able to communicate easily and express things to be understood.

I'm truly excited to be leaving for Haiti on Saturday afternoon. I'm giddy and overwhelmed with excitement, but I'm also sad to leave this comfortable life here in Winnipeg. I did my last load of laundry that I'll do in 10 weeks in a washing machine. Soon it will all be done by hand. There are lots of lasts that I've had this week, but there are so many firsts to come. It's just bitter sweet and I think that's okay. I have a real sense of peace about where I'm headed. Good, challenging, exciting times are to come. God be with you as He is with me. May you sense His presence in YOUR life as I've in mine.


  1. keep up the good work Shaunie. TOY everyday. Thoughts and prayers.The whole experince sound amazing. The blogs are great and make me feel close to you.
